Well, I guess the Holidays are coming to an end. We've unwrapped every last gift, drank the last sips of eggnog, and uncinched our belts for those expanding waistlines. I have to say it has all been worth it. My four little ones were just a joy this Christmas season.
Each one of them believing in the magic of Christmas (Tommy still might be a little small.) and wanting to share in giving gifts to family and friends, but mostly trying their hardest to be good in hopes that they wouldn't be giftless Christmas morning. I don't know what I'm going to do without the threat of Santa not coming. Here are some of my favorite Holiday moments.
1. Advent Calenders-Just the little store bought ones my kids always want and I never buy. They all got one this year after about a week they realized that the chocolate in those cheap calenders was yucky. They then would just ask me how many more day until Christmas. I guess I'll never have to buy those again.
2. Christmas shopping with the kids. They had so much fun picking out gifts for the names drawn in our own family and for cousins. This time because they have earned a little money I made them each contribute a dollar to each gift. Wow. It amazed me at how much more they felt excited to give those gifts.
3. Decorating with my kids. I did most of the decorating on my own, but they loved to help when they felt like it. I laughed when charlie had put a few dinosaurs on our Christmas tree and Bella kept putting little nick-nacks everywhere. I never knew how a little girl could be so much more into the decorating. It's been fun and a little cluttered. I have to say they were also really good little gingerbread house decorators too.
4. Watching the kids participate in acting out the nativity for both mine and Rich's families. They looked so cute dressed up for their parts and Bella did such an angelic job reciting her angel part to the sheperds. I hope that they remember with all the hustle and bustle the true meaning of Christmas.
5. Of course we had fun opening presents and seeing the kids feeled with excitement. But we also has fun visiting Santa, visiting Temple square and seeing the lights, going to a few Christmas events put on by the city, driving around looking at Christmas lights, making hot chocolate, making eggnog, making chocolate covered pretzles, making gingerbread men. I guess I'm beginning to see why our pants are a bit snug, but that's why we have New Year's resolutions right?
We are so greatful for a wonderful Christmas with family and friends, but especially with our four sweet kids who really are such a JOY!